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简介1.非谓语动词知识点总结是什么?2.非谓语动词3.两道非谓语选择题.求解释4.非谓语动词题5.向高手提问一道有关英语非谓语动词的选择题(高中英语)!!!6.高考英语非谓语动词巧记巧用7.英语非谓语动词解题原则非谓语动词是指在句子中充当除谓语以外的各种句子成分的动词。有三种:不定式、动名词、分词(现在分词,过去分词)以下举几个例子已作说明不定式:I am glad to see you.(to+动词










不定式:I am glad to see you.(to+动词)

动名词:Playing basketball is my hobby.

现在分词:There are many people living in this village.

过去分词:I heard my name called.我听见有人叫我的名字


1.We must do what we can ? those who are in trouble.

A.help B.helping C.to help D.do help

答案C 做这道题的时候你要学会图和提取有效成分,最简单的是找主谓宾,题中的是We must do 。可见主谓宾是完整的,那么A排除,D排除,再看do 后面肯定是接动词不定式 to do ,所以选C

2.Jane prefer ? to singing.

A.to dance B.dancing C.dance D.with dancing

答案B 固定搭配Prefer doing to doing Prefer 后面跟动名词

3.-Who is the boy outside?

-A boy ? himself Tom.

A.call B.called C.to call D.calling

答案D 对话翻译成中文是 -外面的那个男孩是谁?

-一个自称是Tom 的男孩。

回答的这句话有个省略,完整的应该是The boy who calls himself Tom 两种表达都可以,都做定语

4.Have you had your hair ?

A.cut B.to cut C.cutting

答案A 初中好像没有教完成时态,就是have+动词的形式,这里的have 是情态动词。不过没关系,不影响理解。这句话是问你剪头发了吗?我们都知道头发只能是被人家剪,所以选A cut的过去分词还是cut。注意如果是主动的话答案就是选C




1.It remains_____whetherthis teaching method will be better than that one.

A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen

2.Helen had to shout____above the sound of music.

A .making herself hear B. to make herself hear

C. making herself heard D. to make herself heard

3._______in the queue for half an hour, the old man suddenly realized he had left the cheque in the car.

A Waiting B. to wait

C. having waited D. to have waited

4. The children went home from the grammar school, theirlessons ____ for the day.

A. finishing B. finished C. had finished D. went finished.

5.LeonardodaVinci_____ birds kept in cages in order to have the pleasure of setting them free.

A. is said to be buying B. is said to have bought

C. had said to buy D. has said to be bought

6. ________ in 1963, and ________ in Philadelphia, Charles Pettigrew so impressed his teachers that he was sent to Barklee School to study Jazz.

A. Born; raised B. Being born; having raised

C. Was born; was raised D. Born; raising

7. ?Who would you like to see at the moment?

?The man ________ Mr. Grant.

A. called himself B. we call him C. calling himself D. is called

8. ________ in an atmosphere of simple life was what her parents wished for.

A. The girl was educated B. The girl educated

C. The girl's being educated D. The girl to be educated

9. We should put away all medicines out of reach of children and make sure they are not left ________.

A. lie round B. laying around C. lain round D. lying around

10. There are many old trees in our school, each ________ about 100 years ago.

A. dates back to B. dating from C. dated back D. which dated to

11. The professor ________ you at the party was my tutor (导师).

A. making himself knowing B. making him known for

C. making himself known to D. makes he known to

12. ________ blood if you can and many lives ________ be saved.

A. To give, may B. Give, will C. Giving, can D. Given, must

13. The girl in the snapshot was smiling sweetly, her long hair___________.

A. flowed in the breeze B. was flowing in the breeze

C. were flowing in the breeze D. flowing in the breeze

14. _____around Tian'anmen Square, the tourists were taken to visit the Palace Museum.

A. Showing B. Having shown C. Being shown D. Having been shown

15. If a solution ________ the rivers against pollution is found, then our living surroundings will be improved.

A. to protect B. protecting C. to protecting D. protect

16. ________ untidy, his bedroom needs doing out.

A. Look B. Looking C. Looked D. To look

17. He could feel the earth ________ at that time and his hands ________ cold.

A. to move, was felt B. moved, was feeling C. moving, felt D. was moved, was felt

18. What would you rather ________, the door or the roof of the house?

A. get repaired B. to get repaired C. to have repaired D. make repair

19. ________ like a great idea, what he said was accepted by all present immediately.

A. Sounded B. Sounds C. To sound D. Sounding

20. ________ their inexperience, they've done a good job.

A. Giving B. To give C. Give D. Given

21. ?What's the population of your city?

?About four million people. It seems small ________ to Beijing.

A. compared B. to compare C. comparing D. being compared

22. Not having finished their jobs, ________ to leave the company.

A. the boss forbade them B. they were forbidden

C. so they were forbidden D. and they preferred

23. With many important affairs considered ________, the manager decided to hold a meeting to discuss about them.

A. to solve B. being solved C. solving D. solved

24. ?Would you please join us in this computer game?

?Thank you, but I'd rather ________.

A. not to B. not join C. not do D. not

25. ________ to give up smoking, he threw away his ________ cigarettes.

A. Determined; remained B. Determined; remaining

C. Determining; remained D. Determining; remaining

26. ________ in a heavy traffic jam in a taxi while you are hurrying to the airport is quite an unpleasant experience.

A. Having caught B. Being caught C. Caught D. Having been caught

27. The young man we followed stopped and looked as if ________ whether he was going in the right direction.

A. seeing B. to have seen C. having seen D. to see

28. Thank you for the great trouble you've had ________ me with my computer work.

A. helping B. to help C. with helping D. for helping

29. The houses ________ by the first company will be completed by the end of this year.

A. being built B. built C. to be building D. to build

30. ________ by what everyone says about him, he has a good chance of winning.

A. Judged B. To Judge C. Having Judged D. Judging


1. Bit 作形式主语,remain 后跟to do sth. 作表语。See与主语从句是动宾关系,所以用to be seen。

2. D herself与hear之间构成动宾关系,所以用过去分词昨make 的宾语补足语,用不定式表示目的状语。

3. C这是现在分词作状语表时间,可以排除BD 选项。A项waiting是现在分词的一般式,所表示的动作往往和主句谓语动词的动作同时发生。C项having waited 所表示的动作往往已经发生或先于主句谓语动词发生

4. B那天的课程一结束,孩子们纷纷从那所语法学校回到家里。逗号不能链接2个句子.当2个句子表示并列时需要并列连词,所以排除CD。由于没有连词课判断逗号后是独立主格结构。Lessons与动词finish之间是动宾关系,故排除A。

5. B据说达芬奇常买一些被关在笼子里的鸟去享受放飞他们的乐趣。根据句意课排除CD两项,在AB两项的选择中课考虑buy发生在said之前。因此应用sb.is said to have done结构,而 sb,is said to be doing表示据说某人正在做某事,故排除A项。

6. A Charles Pettigrew?被生下来和被抚养?。

7. C The man与call是主动关系,用现在分词作定语?自称Mr. Grant的那个人?。

8. C动名词的复合结构作主语。

9. D由句意判断用表示?位于?的不及物动词lie,用现在分词作主补。

10. B date from是不及物的,用现在分词,each dating from?相当于and each (tree) dates from?

11. C因The professor与make是主动关系,用现在分词;使自己被别人了解,know用过去分词。make oneself k nown to sb. =introduce oneself to sb.

12. B这是?祈使句+and+陈述句?句型。

13. D her long hair与flowing是主动关系,这是?独立主格结构?作状语。

14. D the tourists与show是被动关系,show发生在谓语之前,用完成式。

15. C sullution / way to的to是介词,后接动名词。

16. B look是系动词,属不及物动词,用现在分词用状语,Looking untidy,? = As his bedroom looks untidy,?

17. C第一空是feel sb. / sth. doing (感觉到?在做?);第二空后是cold,可知feel是系动词,没有被动语态,与前面的felt并列,也用一般过去式。

18. A would rather直接接动词原形;get sth. done=have sth. done请人做。

19. D Sounding like?=As what he said sounded like?

20 D Given用作介词,意为?考虑到?。

21. A表示?与?比起来?用compared with,这是固定搭配。

22. B Not having finished their jobs的逻辑主语应当为they,意义才通。

23. A ?有难题要解决?用不定式作定语;其中considered也是作定语的。

24. D不定式的省略,I'd rather not=I'd rather not join you?

25. B Determined to give up smoking=As he was determined to give up smoking; remain是不及物动词,只能用现在分词作定语,表示?剩下的?。

26. B动名词短语作主语,主句谓语是is quite an unpleasant experience。

27. D发生在谓语之后,用不定式:as if to see?=as if he was to see?

28. A 因have trouble (in) doing sth. 是固定句型。

29. A由will可知,这些房子正在被建,用being built作定语。

30. D因为judging from是固定的独立结构

《2011年高考英语非谓语动词自测题》由英语我整理,更多请访问: style="font-size: 18px;font-weight: bold;border-left: 4px solid #a10d00;margin: 10px 0px 15px 0px;padding: 10px 0 10px 20px;background: #f1dada;">非谓语动词







1、“to” 是不定式符号还是介词,下列短语中的to 都是介词。

agree to object to close to,come to,lead to,refer to

equal to,familiar to,point to,thank to,devote to,next to,belong to,be used to,look forward to。

2、带to 还是不带to

I have no choice but to give in

I cannot do anything but give in

I saw him enter the classroom?

( 但是:He was seen to enter the classroom )





1. 意义一致原则


1.1 (together) with: Alice (together) with her parents often goes to the park on Sundays.

1.2 except/but: Every picture except/ but these two has been sold.

Nobody but Mary and I was in the classroom at that time.

1.3 no less than: His sister, no less than you, is wrong.

1.4 rather than: The father, rather than the brothers, is responsible for the accident.

1.5 perhaps : Peter, perhaps John, is playing with the little dog.

1.6 like: He, like you and Xiao Liu is very diligent.

1.7 including/ besides/ as well as

2. 就近原则

2.1 主语由以下连词连接:谓语动词与后一个主语一致:

2.2.1(Either)…or…: Either you or I am going to the movies.

2.2.2 Neither…nor…

2.2.3 Whether…or…

2.2.4 Not only…but (also)

2.2.5 Not…but…

2.2 there be 句型: be 动词与后面第一个名词一致

E.g. There is an apple, two bananas and some oranges on the plates.

2.3副词here, there, now, then, up, down, in, out, away, such连接的全部倒装结构中:谓语动词由动词后面的主语决定

On the wall hang two maps. 墙上挂着两张地图。

On the wall hangs a world of map. 墙上挂着一张世界地图。

Such is the result. 结果就是这样。

Such are the results. 这就是结果

3. 整体原则

3.1 并列主语如果指的是同一个人、同一事物或同一概念时,谓语动词用单数,and后面的名词没有冠词:

The writer and worker is coming to our school tomorrow.


The writer and the worker are coming to our school tomorrow.


Bread and butter is their daily food.


E.g. Three years is not a long time.

Ten dollars is what he needs.

Five hundred miles is a long distance.


E.g. The United Nations has passed a resolution(决议)。

“The Arabian Nights”(《天方夜谭》)is an interesting book.

3.4集合名词people, police ,cattle作主语,谓语动词用复数形式:

E.g. The police are searching for him.

The cattle are grassing (吃草)。

4. 谓单原则

4.1 and连接的并列单数名词前如有each, every, no修饰时,谓语动词要用单数形式。

E.g. Every boy and girl has been invited to the party.

No teacher and no student is absent today.

Many a student is busy with their lessons.

4.2 用many a, more than one 修饰名词时,谓语动词要用单数形式。

E.g. More than one person has made the suggestion.

Many a rough man has been civilized by his wife.

4.3 Each, Either, One, Another, The other, Neither作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式:

E.g. Each takes a cup of tea.

Either is correct.

4.4 由every, some, any, no构成的合成代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式:

E.g. Nothing is to be done.

4.5 means, politics, physics, plastics作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式.

5. 具体情况原则

5.1 all, few, more, most, some, any, none, half, the rest等作主语时,既可表示复数意义,也可表示单数意义,谓语动词要根据实际情况而定:

All of the apple is rotten. 整个苹果都烂了。

不可数-> 谓单

All of the apples are rotten. 所有的苹果都烂了。

可数-> 谓复

Most of the wood was used to make furniture.

不可数-> 谓单

Most of the people are from England.

可数-> 谓复

5.2 the + 形容词(或分词)作主语时,常指一类人,谓语动词用复数形式。如指的是抽象概念,谓语动词则用单数形式:

5.3 population当人口讲时,谓语动词用单数形式;当人们讲时,谓语动词用复数:

5.4 the number of + 名词复数,是表示“…的数字”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;

a (large / great) number of + 名词复数,表示许多,作主语时;谓语动词用复数形式:

5.5 有些集体名词如family, team, group, class, audience, government等作主语时,如看作是一个整体,谓语动词则用单数形式;如强调各个成员时,谓语动词要用复数形式:

6. 先行词原则

关系代词who, that, which等在定语从句中作主语时,其谓语动词的数应与句中先行词的数一致。


1.Do you consider it any good ______again?

A to try B.try C.trying. D for you to try

2.Do you think it any good ___with him again?

据说选to talk.

第一题 选C。 D为什么不可以

请问 这两句不都是it 作形式宾语吗?不是I consider/ think it is good to....... 这样吗?







句型1:it is +adj. + to do sth. 如:it is important to do sth.

句型2:it is +n. +to do sth. 如:it is good manners to do sth.


It is no good/ no use doing sth.

可能因为成语:it is no good crying over the spilt milk. 之故。

所以第一题源于:Do you consider that it is any good trying again?

-->Do you consider it any good trying again?

“consider 后面只能跟 动名词作宾语 所以其他选项错”,这样的回答是有问题的。这里的真正宾语用动名词,不是因为consider是一个只能跟动名词作宾语(不能跟不定式作宾语)的单宾动词。 consider doing sth. 中的consider作“考虑”解释。当consider 作“认为”解释时,是复宾动词,后跟形容词、名词作宾语补足语。

如:We consider him (to be/as) honest (/an honest man) 我们认为他是一个诚实的人。


这里真宾用动名词是因为句型:it is no good doing sth. 如将any good 改成necessary,则应用不定式作真宾。


We consider it necessary to protect animals.

Before entering this site, we consider it necessary to briefly introduce you to our website.

I consider it necessary to brush three times a day.

第二题中的think与consider可以互换,都是“认为”,都是跟复合宾语,宾补都是any good,由

I think (that) it is no good doing sth. 变化而来。所以你的那个据说的答案“to talk”并不符合考试英语,也不符合语言习惯。因为有It is no good/ no use criying over spilt milk. 这个widespread的谚语。



Do you think it good ___with him again?

A to talk B talking C to talking D having talked

答案是A 没错,因为这里的good是形容词,it is good to do sth. 与it is no good doing sth.不是一个句型,good的词性也不一样,后者中的good 是名词,与do good to sb. / do sb. good中的good词性相同,是抽象不可数名词,意为“好处”,可以被限定词no, any修饰。

有人将这一题根据“语感”,在good前加了一个any, 从而改变了句型。但答案没有改。

附:从一道高考题看 consider 的用法

动词consider既可作“考虑”讲, 又可作“看作”讲, 二者有什么区别呢? 让我们走近consider, 看看它有哪些用法吧。

93 NMET试题中的一道单项选择题是:

Charles Babbage is generally considered ______ the first computer.

A. to invent

B. inventing

C. to have invented

D. having invented

此题考查的就是consider的用法。让我们对consider的用法作一归纳, 然后, 再做答案。

一、consider意为“考虑, 细想”时, 其后可跟:

1. 名词或代词:

We must consider the matter from different standpoints.


We must consider it very carefully. 我们应仔细地考虑它。

2. 从句:

We must consider what's to be done. 我们必须考虑该怎么办。

He considered how he should answer. 他考虑应当怎样回答。

3. “疑问词+不定式”:

Have you considered how to get there? 你是否考虑过如何到那里?

We have to consider what material to use first. 我们先得考虑用什么材料。

注意: consider作“考虑”解时, 不能直接接不定式。

4. 动名词:

He considered going to see them in person. 他考虑亲自去看望他们。

He is considering changing his job. 他在考虑调换一下工作。

5. 介词over或单独用:

He said they had considered over it. 他说他们已经考虑过了。

Let me consider. 让我考虑一下。

二、consider意为“认为, 以为, 把……看作”, 其后可跟:

1. 从句:

We consider that a friend in need is a friend indeed.


2. 名词的复合结构(即名词作宾语补足语):

We consider Beijing the heart of our country.


3. 带形容词的复合结构:

They considered me too young to do the work.

他们认为我太年轻, 干不了这项工作。

4. 带不定式的复合结构:

We consider only such methods to be correct.


注意: 不定式后主要是be, 间或为其它动词(多为完成式)。

We all considered him to have stolen Tom's wallet.


5. 带介词短语的复合结构:

We always consider these people as our true comrades.


They always consider themselves in the right. 他们总认为自己对。

6. 带“it形式宾语+形容词+真正宾语(动词不定式、从句等)”:

We consider it our duty to help her. 我们认为帮助她是我们的职责。

I consider it a great pleasure that I can work with you.


注意: consider作“认为”解时, 一般不接动名词。

综上所述, 我们可以看出前文所提的93年的那道高考题考查的是consider作“认为”解时的用法, 题干是被动式, 改为主动式为:

We generally consider Charles Babbage ______ the first computer. 不难看出, 这一句子的基本结构为: 主语+谓语+复合宾语(名词+动词不定式), 答案应选动词不定式。因“发明”这一动作已经发生, 故应选to have invented, 即C。

练习: I. 选择填空。

1. They have been considering ______ the problem.

a. to work out

b. work out

c. working out

d. worked out

2. I consider Tom ______ the finest basketball player today.

a. to be

b. being

c. was

d. be

3. I don't know ______ .

a. whether they will consider visiting the Summer Palace

b. whether will they consider to visit the Summer Palace

c. whether they will consider to visit the Summer Palace

d. whether they will consider visit the Summer Palace

4. Our monitor ______ to be an honest man.

a. considers

b. is considering

c. was considered

d. has considered

II. 根据第一句完成第二句, 每空填一词, 使句意不变。

1. He was considering repairing the watch.

He was considering ______ ______ ______ the watch.

2. We consider Lu Xun one of the greatest writers in China.

Lu Xun ______ ______ one of the greatest writers in China.

3. We considered that it was necessary to do so.

We considered ______ ______ to do so.

4. I consider the report to be wrong.

I consider the report ______ .

Key: I. 1. c 2. a 3. a 4. c

II. 1. how to repair 2. is considered 3. it necessary 4. wrong



2、be located确实是一个固定搭配,这句话是由高考题改编过来的,讲解可见


某些过去分词(短语)由于来源于系表结构,有些甚至具有形容词的特征,因此,虽然它们作状语时与句子主语之间存在逻辑意义上的主动关系,但仍然用它们的过去分词来作状语。这类过去分词(短语)常见的主要有:caught in , devoted to (忠实于;热爱),disappointed at , determined to, dressed in , exhausted(疲惫不堪),hidden, lost in (沉湎于), prepared for, seated, tired of (厌倦)等。例如:

Caught in the heavy rain, Jennifer didn’t arrive on time.


Disappointed at the examination results, the top student sat there in stony silence.


Entirely devoted to the Party, the young soldier gave his life for his country.


3、如果是做主语的话变成being located,例如:

Being located in downtown is a key factor that leads to the success of the


Being late for class is not allowed.

可参见帖子 style="font-size: 18px;font-weight: bold;border-left: 4px solid #a10d00;margin: 10px 0px 15px 0px;padding: 10px 0 10px 20px;background: #f1dada;">高考英语非谓语动词巧记巧用


The old man devoted all his money to this school ,enabling these students to have a better study environment.


例如The students entered the classroom, following the teacher.



the teacher entered the classroom, followed by the students. 被跟着

in order to, to do sth。 so as to do sth. 都表示目的


The old man devoted all his money to this school to enable/ in order to enable / so as to enable these students to have a better study environment.


In order to enable/ To enable these students to have a better study environment, the old man devoted all his money to this school . (so as to只能放句中)

ing形式貌似没有表示目的的。。。 除非这种目的伴随状语吧

to do sth. 和doing sth.一般是在这些方面转换

总的来说,to do sth.是动词的不定式,doing sth.是动名词形式


it is adj. to do sth./ doing sth. 不定式/动名词作为真正主语,it是形式主语

to do sth./ doing sth. is adj. 不定式/ 动名词作主语

sb. like to do sth./ doing sth. 不定式/动名词作宾语


如只有feel like doing sth. 想做某事

还有那些 regret to do, regret doing sth

remember/ forget to do . remember/forget doing sth. 这种意思完全不一样的






remember to do(记住去做) remember doing(记得做过)

forget to do(忘记去做) forget doing(忘记做过)

regret to do (遗憾地做) regret doing(后悔做了)

try to do(设法做) try doing(试做)

go on to do(接着做另一事) go on doing(继续做同一事)

mean to do(打算做) mean doing(意味着)

stop to do(停下来去做) stop doing(停止做)

can’t help to do(不能帮助做) can’t help doing(情不自禁做)

1. —You were brave enough to raise objection at the meeting.

—Well, now I regret ________ that. (全国卷)

A. to do B. to be doing

C. to have done D. having done


2. —The light in the office is still on.

—Oh,I forgot ________. (全国卷)

A. turning it off B. turn it off

C. to turn it off D. having turned it off


3. In some parts of London, missing a bus means ________ for another hour. (上海卷)

A. waiting B. to wait

C. wait D. to be waiting


4. She reached the top of the hill and stopped ________ on a big rock by the side of the path. (全国卷)

A. to have rested B. resting

C. to rest D. rest


5. Go on ________ the other exercise after you have finished this one. (全国卷)

A. to do B. doing

C. with D. to be doing

分析答案选A。表示做完一事后“接着做”另一事,go on后接不定式。


表示未曾实现的愿望或打算,即表示“本打算 / 想 / 希望做某事”但事实上却没做的事情,用plan, intend, mean; want, hope, wish, expect等动词的过去完成时,加不定式的一般式,或者这类动词的一般过去时,加不定式的完成式;was / were, would / should like加不定式的完成式;was / were going加不定式的一般式。如:

I would love ________ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report. (全国卷)

A. to go B. to have gone

C. going D. having gone

分析答案选B。由句意可知,是表示过去未曾实现的期望,用“would love+不定式完成式”。句意是:昨晚我本想去参加聚会的,但是…(from www.nmet168.com)


在介词后一般用动名词,下面是一些含介词的固定句式(其中有的介词有时会被省略):prevent / stop / keep sb. / sth. from doing (阻止…做…);spend / waste time or money in doing (在做…方面花费 / 浪费时间或金钱);How / What about doing sth. (做…怎么样?);have some difficulty / trouble in doing (在做…方面有些困难);have a hard time in doing sth. (做某事很艰难); there is no sense in doing(做…是没有理由 / 道理的);thank (excuse / admire / praise / blame / scold / punish) sb. for doing sth. (因做某事而感谢 / 羡慕 / 表扬 / 责备某人)等。如:

1. Having been ill in bed for nearly a month, he had a hard time ________ the exam. (福建卷)

A. pass B. to pass

C. passed D. passing

分析答案选D。因为have a hard time (in) doing sth. 在做某事方面有困难。

2. According to a recent U. S. survey, children spend up to 25 hours a week ________ TV. (上海卷)

A. to watch B. to watching

C. watching D. watch

分析答案选C。spend some time (in) doing sth. 做某事花了多长时间。

3. I believe that’s the best way to prevent such a thing ________ again. (全国卷)

A. to happen B. from happening

C. happened D. happen

分析答案选B。prevent sb. / sth. from doing 阻止…做…。

4. Did you have trouble ________ the post office? (全国卷)

A. to have found B. with finding

C. to find D. in finding

分析答案选D。have difficulty / trouble (in) doing sth. 在做方面有困难。


to是介词和固定词组很多,常见的有:look forward to(盼望), devote…to / be devoted to(致力于), be / get used to(习惯), lead to(导致), get down to(开始认真), pay attention to(注意), refer to(谈到), point to(指向), turn to(转向), object to(反对), equal to(等于、能胜任), belong to(属于)等。如:

1. Mr. Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to ________ some schools for poor children. (上海卷)

A. set up B. setting up

C. have set up D. having set up

分析答案选B。devote…to…中to是介词,接动名词;all是devote的宾语,he had是省略了关系代词that的定语从句。

2. The discovery of new evidence led to ________. (上海卷)

A. the thief having caught B. catch the thief

C. the thief being caught D. the thief to be caught

分析答案选C。lead to中的to是介词,后接动名词;逻辑主语the thief与catch是被动关系,所以用动名词的被动式(from www.nmet168.com)。

3. She looks forward every spring to ________ the flower-lined garden. (上海卷)

A. visit B. paying a visit

C. walk in D. walking in

分析答案选D。look forward to中to是介词,后接动名词。再说,若visit用作名词,后面要加介词to,才可接宾语,排除A和B;walk作名词,表示散步,仅用于go for / take / have a walk等结构,排除C。


 导语:非谓语动词主要包括to do, -ing和-ed三种形式,可是其用法非常广泛,它不仅是高考单项选择题测试的一个重点,而且也是完形填空、阅读理解、短文改错的重要考查内容。下面是我整理的英语非谓语动词解题原则,欢迎参考!


 例1. _________ many times, but he still couldn't understand it.

 A. Having been told B. Having told

 C. He had been told D. Though he had been told

 例2._________ many times, he still couldn't understand it.

 A. Having been told B. Having told

 C. He had been told D. Though he had told




 例3. ____________ in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police.

 A. Having lost B. Lost C. Being lost D. Losing


 例4. __________, I really believe that I'd prefer not to make any change now.

 A. Considered all the possibilities

 B. Taking all the possibilities into consideration

 C. Taken all the possibilities into consideration

 D. Giving all the possibilities

 解析:把。。。考虑进来结构为take sth into consideration,现在take后面有宾语all the possibilities,所以用-ing形式,答案为B。

 原则三、being done 表示?正在被?,一般不作状语,只作定语。非谓语动词的完成时形式to have done或having done强调该动作发生在句子谓语动词之前

 例5. __ to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead.

 A. Fail B. Failed C. To fail D. Having failed

 解析:根据句意?我们没有打通电话,就给他们发了个邮件?,没有打通电话应该发生在发邮件之前,所以用having done,答案为D。

 例6. Tim Bemers-Lee is generally considered _____ the World Wide Web, on which all the information is shared by all.

 A. to have founded B. having founded

 C. founding D. to found

 解析:根据句意,Tim Bemers-Lee创立万维网应该是过去的事情,而且be considered后面应该用动词不定式,所以应该用to have done,答案为A。

 原则四、非谓语动词作定语时,表示将来用-to do,表正在进行用-ing,表示已经完成用-ed

 例7. The play_____ next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.

 A.produced B.being produced

 C.to be produced D.having been produced

 解析:根据本题中的时间状语next month,可知the play将要于下月被创作出来,表将来应该用to do,所以答案为C。

 例8.The trees _____ in the storm have been moved off the road.

 A. being blown down B. blown down

 C. blowing down D. to blow down



 例9. The discovery of new evidence led to ______________.

 A. the thief having been caught B. the thief to be caught

 C. catch the thief D. the thief being caught

 解析:本题led to中的to是介词,后面应该用-ing形式,the thief作-ing的逻辑主语,所以答案为D。

 例10. At the beginning of class, the noise of desks ____ could be heard outside the classroom.

 A. opened and closed B. to be opened and closed

 C. being opened and closed D. to open and close

 解析:本题the noise of中的of是介词,后面应该用-ing形式,desks作-ing的逻辑主语,所以答案为C。

 原则六、-ing形式或to do可作主语或宾语,-ed形式则不可以

 例11. ___________ in a heavy traffic jam is quite an unpleasant experience.

 A. Caught B. Having caught C. Being caught D. To catch


 例12 ___twice a year, whether it is a car or a bus or a truck, is the rule that every driver must obey in this city.

 A. Examining B. Examined

 C. Being examined D. Having been examined



 例13Michael's new house is like a huge palace, ______with his old one.

 A. comparing B. compares C. to compare D. compared

 解析:?和。。。相比较?结构为be compared with,现在做句子的状语,所以只保留非谓语动词,把动词be去掉,答案为D。

 例14 _______ with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.

 A. To face B. Having faced C. Faced D. Facing

 解析:?面对?结构为be faced with, 现在做句子的状语,所以只保留非谓语动词,把动词be去掉,答案为C。


 例15. ____ twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we changed our dog.

 A. Being bitten B. Bitten C. Having bitten D. To be bitten

 解析:本题考查非谓语动词作状语,其逻辑主语应和句子主语the postman一致,the postman应该是被咬,所以答案为B。

 例16._______ in the fields on a March afternoon, he could feel the warmth of spring.

 A. To walk. B. Walking C. Walked D. Having walked

 解析:本题考查非谓语动词作状语,其逻辑主语应和句子主语he一致, he 和walk应该是主动关系,所以答案为B。

 例17. While watching television, __________.

 A. the doorbell rang B. the doorbell rings

 C. we heard the doorbell ring D. we heard the doorbell rings


 例18. The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons ____ for the day.

 A. finishing B. finished C. had finished D. were finished

 解析:本题没有连词,所以后面应用非谓语动词,the lessons是非谓语动词的逻辑主语,和非谓语动词构成独立主格结构。根据句意应是?被完成?,所以答案为B。


 例19._____, you need to give all you have and try your best.

 A. Being a winner B. To be a winner

 C. Be a winner D. Having been a winner


 例20. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only _______ the film stars had left.

 A. to tell B. to be told C. telling D. told

 解析:本句句意为?记者们匆匆赶到机场,却被告知明星们已经走了?,表出乎意料的结果常常用only to do,所以答案为B。

 例21. The glass doors have taken the place of the wooden ones at the entrance, ________ in the natural light during the day.

 A. to let B. letting C. let D. having let

 解析:本题句意为?玻璃门替换了木头门,自然光就进来了?,自然光进来时顺其自然的结果,所以用doing, 答案为B。

 例22.How glad I am ___________ you!

 A. seeing B. to see C. saw D. having seen

 解析: 本题是I am glad to see you 的感叹句形式,to see you 是原因状语,答案为B。

 原则十、 非谓语动词的否定原则是在非谓语动词前加not,有not to do, not doing, not having done, not to have done几种形式

 例23______that he was in great danger, Eric walked deeper into the forest.

 A. Not realized B. Not to realize

 C. Not realizing D. Not to have realized

 解析: 本题考查doing的否定形式not doing,答案为 C。

 例24. What worried him most was ______ to visit his sick child.

 A. his being not allowed B. his not being allowed

 C. his not allowing D. having not been allowed

 解析:本题考查being done的否定形式not being done; his 为not being done的逻辑主语,所以答


 例25. Sarah has decided ________ away on holiday this summer.

 A. don't go B. to not go C. not going D. not to go

 解析:本题考查to do的否定形式not to do, 所以答案为D。


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