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tamoadmin 2024-07-28 人已围观

简介1.2016年高考全国卷1卷英语试题难度相比去年难不难评析written exercises书面练习A Rewrite these sentences.模仿例句将以下祈使句改写成带有动词不定式的陈述句:Example:Please repair it. I want you to repair it.1 Please spell it.2 Please telephone him.3 Please



written exercises书面练习

A Rewrite these sentences.



Please repair it. I want you to repair it.

1 Please spell it.

2 Please telephone him.

3 Please wear it.

4 Please ask her.

5 Please tell them.

6 Please help us.

B Write questions and answers.



Type it again!

What do you want me to do? I want you to type it again.

1 Carry it!

2 Correct it!

3 Listen to it!

4 Describe it!

5 Move it!

6 Try it!

7 Finish it!

8 Keep it!

C Rewrite these sentences.



Don't type it again! (He/her)

He is telling her not to type it again. He doesn't want her to type it again.

1 Don't hurt yourself! (She/him)

2 Don't slip! (She/him)

3 Don't fall! (She/him)

4 Don't miss it! (She/them)

5 Don't break it! (She/him)

6 Don't drive it!(He/her)

D Answer these questions.



Why is he speaking to her? (type it again) Because he doesn't want her to type it again.

1 Why is she speaking to him? (hurt himself)

2 Why is she speaking to him? (slip)

3 Why is she speaking to him? (fall)

4 Why is she speaking to them? (miss it)

5 Why is she speaking to him? (break it)

6 Why is he speaking to her? (drive it)


Lesson 106


1 I want you to spell it.

2 I want you to telephone him.

3 I want you to wear it.

4 I want you to ask her.

5 I want you to tell them.

6 I want you to help us.


1 What do you want me to do? I want you to carry it.

2 What do you want me to do? I want you to correct it.

3 What do you want me to do? I want you to listen to it.

4 What do you want me to do? I want you to describe it.

5 What do you want me to do? I want you to move it.

6 What do you want me to do? I want you to try it.

7 What do you want me to do? I want you to finish it.

8 What do you want me to do? I want you to keep it.


1 She is telling him not to hurt himself. She doesn't want him to hurt himself.

2 She is telling him not to slip. She doesn't want him to slip.

3 She is telling him not to fall. She doesn't want him to fall.

4 She is telling them not to miss it. She doesn't want them to miss it.

5 She is telling him not to break it. She doesn't want him to break it.

6 He is telling her not to drive it. He doesn't want her to drive it.


1 Because she doesn't want him to hurt himself.

2 Because she doesn't want him to slip.

3 Because she doesn't want him to fall.

4 Because she doesn't want them to miss it.

5 Because she doesn't want him to break it.

6 Because he doesn't want her to drive it.



2015年及其之前:贵州 甘肃 广西 青海 西藏 黑龙江 吉林 宁夏 内蒙古 新疆 云南 辽宁(综合)海南(语文 数学 英语)。

2015年增加省份:辽宁 (语文 数学 英语)。

2016年增加省份:陕西、重庆、;取消省份:广西 云南 贵州。



全国绝大多数省份使用国家考试中心命题试卷。由于多数省份的加入,新课标全国卷开始分成Ⅰ 卷、Ⅱ卷和Ⅲ卷。

安徽、湖北、福建、湖南、山西、河北、江西、广东、河南、山东英语及综合用全国Ⅰ 卷;




2015年以前使用省份:河南 河北 山西 陕西(语文及综合)湖北(综合)江西(综合)湖南(综合)。

2015年增加使用省份:江西(语文 数学 英语)、山东(英语)?。

2016年增加省份:湖南(语文 数学 英语 综合)、湖北(语文 数学 英语)、广东、福建、安徽 、山东(综合);取消省份:陕西。






我是山东考生 平时在140分左右 相比去年来说 全国卷难度保持一定 听力题较为简单 阅读稍有难度 答案里会出现一些对部分考生来说的新词 但如果不认识 根据排除法还是能够选出选项 七选五保持简单 完型填空依然我认为是有难度的题型 熟悉的单词多考一些不知道的释义 需要对全篇文章通读几遍后才有可能选出选项 语法填空与短文改错主要靠平时语法积累 多练自然会有所提升 毕竟15年首次出现这种题型 所以15年全国卷1的语法填空与短文改错相对简单 今年难度稍微提升 作文依然是书信体 个人认为较为简单 但是会有自己心里明白却不知道单词怎么写 的问题 还是要加强积累

文章标签: # to # it # want