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tamoadmin 2024-05-23 人已围观

简介You have been accepted by Beijing University.You have been admitted to Beijing University. 不能说"admitted by"录取通知书is an "acceptance letter"enroll- I enrolled in Beijing University last fall.matriculate-


You have been accepted by Beijing University.

You have been admitted to Beijing University. 不能说"admitted by"

录取通知书is an "acceptance letter"

enroll- I enrolled in Beijing University last fall.

matriculate-Three thousands foreigners matriculated at Beijing University this year.


中考成绩通知单是 Middel School graduation transcript. 在国外成绩单是transcript.

毕业学校就是graduation school

等级是 classification

标准总分 我觉得你的意思应该是加权平均分数Weighted Average Mark


The classification and weighting of each subject of the student are issued according to the performance ranking of the student at school.

文章标签: # 录取 # 通知书 # Beijing